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Memory Blocks 

Memory Blocks is a series of video installation under creation.

It described 4 memories of a virtual figure, including a soldier who was killed in the explosion, an artist who specialized in time-based art, a scientist who doubted the truth of the world and a refugee who lost his homeland in the quest for rights.

In the process of realisation, due to the immediacy of the real-time 3D; image rendering, video editing, sound production and textual editing proceeded simultaneously so that the film creation was like “sensory writing” growing out of nothing.

Action, Almost Unable to Think (2018)

19:10 HD video with 5.1 surround sound, 11 min. 20 sec.


Action, Almost Unable to Think is a multi-screen 3D real-time rendering video installation. As a part of the video series Memory Blocks , it features the moment of a soldier being killed in an explosion when he was saying greetings to a civilian.

“Action, almost unable to think” is a description of the conqueror taken from Camus’ The Myth of Sisyphus (1942). Combining both literary and colloquial narration, the flim is threaded by a pure affection symbolized by fire. It gives expression to the mental torture of the narrator when he was saying greetings and being killed.

Through a mixed use of image, voiceover, words and sound attempted to probe into emotional, material and poetic structural video based on the real-time 3D.

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